When I hold you close to me
I could always see a house by the ocean
& last night I could hear the waves
As I heard you say, “all that I want is to be yours”
Falling in love,
Falling in love
Deeper than I’ve felt it before with you, baby
I feel I’m falling in love with all my heart
I could always see a house by the ocean
& last night I could hear the waves
As I heard you say, “all that I want is to be yours”
Seni kendime yakın tuttuğumda
Hep okyanusun yanında bir ev görürdüm
Ve geçen gece bütün dalgaları duyabildim
Senin "tek istediğim senin olmak" dediğini duyduğumda
Falling in love,
Falling in love
Deeper than I’ve felt it before with you, baby
I feel I’m falling in love with all my heart
Aşık olmak,
Aşık olmak
Seninle, daha önce hissettiğimden çok daha derin, bebeğim
Bütün kalbimle aşık olduğumu hissediyorum
Back when you were far away
We would go on dates to watch the same movie
& you were imagining sitting next to me
& holding my hand for the whole thing…
Sen çok uzaklardayken
Aynı filmi izleyerek randevulara çıkardık
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