You don't have to be so cautious
If you practice what you preach
Counting up the stacks on the counter
A fucking (disease)
Don't ask me to be righteous
If you practice what you teach
Counting all your blessings
The second you're down on your knees
So why, why?
Don't we get a little high, high?
Don't we get a little
Get a little
Don't we get a little high
Get a little high
Keep my head under the water, pride buried in my chest
Not counting all the minutes, the seconds, not holdin' my breath
Now sinkin' from the surface, swimmin' in my lungs
Losing all my vision, religion, I'm holdin' my tongue
So why, why?
Don't we get a little high, high?
Don't we get a little
Get a little
Don't we get a little high
Get a little high
Don't want to pay attention
To the writing on the wall
Painted with aggression
And dripping when you call
Not gonna learn my lesson
Am I running out of time?
So why?
Don't we get a little
Get a little
Don't we get a little high
Get a little high
If you practice what you preach
Counting up the stacks on the counter
A fucking (disease)
Don't ask me to be righteous
If you practice what you teach
Counting all your blessings
The second you're down on your knees
So why, why?
Don't we get a little high, high?
Don't we get a little
Get a little
Don't we get a little high
Get a little high
Keep my head under the water, pride buried in my chest
Not counting all the minutes, the seconds, not holdin' my breath
Now sinkin' from the surface, swimmin' in my lungs
Losing all my vision, religion, I'm holdin' my tongue
So why, why?
Don't we get a little high, high?
Don't we get a little
Get a little
Don't we get a little high
Get a little high
Don't want to pay attention
To the writing on the wall
Painted with aggression
And dripping when you call
Not gonna learn my lesson
Am I running out of time?
So why?
Don't we get a little
Get a little
Don't we get a little high
Get a little high
Tedbirli olmana gerek yok
Eğer tavsiye ettiğini uygularsan
Tezgahtaki yığınları sayıyorum
Lanet olası (hastalık)
Dürüst olmamı isteme benden
Eğer öğrettiğini uygularsan
Tüm nimetlerini sayıyorsun
İkincide dizlerinin üstündesin
Neden, neden?
Biraz sarhoş olmuyoruz?
Biraz sarhoş olmuyoruz
Biraz sarhoş
Suyun altında kafamı tut, onurum göğsümde gömüldü
Tüm dakikaları, tüm saniyeleri saymıyorum, nefesimi tutmuyorum
Şimdi yüzeyde batıyorum, akciğerlerimde yüzüyorum
Tüm görüşümü, dinimi kaybediyorum, dilimi tutuyorum
Neden, neden?
Biraz sarhoş olmuyoruz?
Biraz sarhoş olmuyoruz
Biraz sarhoş
Dikkatimi vermek istemiyorum
Duvardaki yazıya
Saldırganlık ile boyandılar
Ve sen çağırdığında damlıyor
Dersimi öğrenmeyeceğim
Zamanım azalıyor mu?
Biraz sarhoş olmuyoruz
Biraz sarhoş